By Bill Tong
The membership of this most unusual geoscience organization all have names suited for their individual specialties...
Specialization Member Namesake
Mineralogy Lyman Knight limonite
Ida Krays idocrase
Al Mundeen almandine
Terry Rosa terra rosa
Cal Site calcite
Crystallography Perry Klein pericline
Polly Crystal polycrystal
Ray Dios radius
Igneous Petrology Greta Gabbro Greta Garbo
Ann DeSite andesite
Peg Matite pegmatite
Metamorphic Petrology Phil Light phyllite
Geochemistry Orson Nick arsenic
Al Kalai alkali
Ray D. Um radium
Ben Zeen benzene
Ray Don radon
Sedimentology Sandy Stone sandstone
Mick Wright micrite
Tom Bolo tombolo
Marly Sands marly sands
Stratigraphy Fay Seas facies
Sid Layer sed. layer
Paleontology Ole Nellus Olenellus
Sue DeMorf pseudomorph
Hal O'Pora Hallopora
Fay Kopz Phacops
Clay Mineralogy Benton Knight bentonite
Kay Olin kaolin
Soil Science Molly Saul mollisol
Alfie Saul alfisol
Andy Saul andosaul
Al O'Fain allophane
Economic Geology Emma Nation emanation
Flora Spar fluorospar
Petroleum Geology Kerry Jen kerogen
Coal Geology Pete Marsh peat marsh
Engineering Geology Fay Lear failure
Hydrogeology Art Ti-Shen artesian
Muddy Waters muddy waters
Marine Geology Maureen Terrace marine terrace
C. Mount seamount
Oceaography Eddy Current eddy current
Eddy Mark eddy mark
Limnology Anna Robik anaerobic
Structural Geology Isaac Klein isocline
Pete DeMont piedmont
Alec Thon allocthon
Val Lee valley
Geomorphology Penny Plain peneplain
Ava Lanche avalanche
Volcanology Cole Derra caldera
Maude Lahar mud lahar
Geophysics Cy Zmick seismic
Sal Sima sial-sima
Planetary Geology Lou Nar lunar
Field Geology Seymour Travers see more traverse
Climatology Al Bideau albedo
Meteorology Gus T. Ness gustiness