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    • 3. Zone of the earth made of mostly iron and nickel.
    • 4. The "true" ocean floor, together covering 60% of the earth's surface (2 words).
    • 6. The process by which heat is circulated in a fluid.
    • 7. The rigid sections of the crust which move relative to each other.
    • 8. A zone in the earth located at great depth, created by the collision of 2 plates.
    • 12. Molten rock which reaches the earth's surface.
    • 13. The process which explains the history of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as complex oceanic features.
    • 16. The type of rock of which the ocean floor is made.
    • 17. The zone in the earth's interior below the crust, but above the core, made up of sense silicates.
    • 19. Continental - - - - - was an earlier theory seeking to prove that land masses moved over time.
    • 20. The type of rock typical of island arcs (hint: volcanic)
    • 21. The type of rock which makes up continental crust. 



    • 1. The deepest part of the ocean is a trench called the -------.
    • 2. The Philippines and Japan are good examples of this tectonic feature (2 words).
    • 3. That part of the lithosphere not covered by water.
    • 5. This process explains evidence that the earth's magnetic poles changed in direction over time.
    • 6. The relatively thin (10-25 miles thick) outer shell of the earth.
    • 9. This tectonic feature occurs where a ridge is offset laterally by major transform faults.
    • 10. An example of a strike-slip fault in North America (Hint: located in California; earthquake zone).
    • 11. Tectonic feature created at divergent zones by undersea volcanism; forms mountain chains.
    • 14. - - - - - - - focus earthquakes occur at mid-ocean ridges.
    • 15. Nearly all of these types of earthquakes occur in volcanic island arcs (2 words).
    • 16. The major discontinuity between the crust and mantle may be considered to be a - - - - - - - -.
    • 17. The common, shortened name for the discontinuity between the crust and the mantle.
    • 18. The major component of the earth's core.
    Copyright © 1989 by William K. Tong